
Monday, September 20, 2010

Onara Taisou (Fart Exercise)

kawaii deshou~! I love how the kids are mini nodame characters in the MV. :)


歌:上野樹里 作詩:二ノ宮知子・野田恵・poo太郎 作曲:野田恵

元気に出そう いい音だそう
genki ni dasou ii oto dasou
Pass it with spirit. Pass it with a good sound.

レミファプププ わ~
Do re mi fa pu pu pu Waa

大きくたって 小さくたって
ookikutatte chisakutatte
Big or small

douse onnaji onara damon
It’s all the same fart

手~は腰に さあいくぞ
te~ wa koshi ni saa ikuzo
Hands on your hips. Here we go…

へい へい ぷ~
Hei hei Pu *”he” (pronounced “hey”) means fart in Japanese

みんなで出そう 笑ってだそう
minna de dasou waratte dasou
Let’s do it together. Do it while laughing.

ドレミファプププ わ~
Do re mi fa pu pu pu Waa

父さんだって 母さんだって
toosan datte kaasan datte
Dad or mom

minna onnaji onara damon
Everyone [has] the same fart.

そ~ら高く さあいくぞ
so~ra takaku saa ikuzo
The sky is high (Raise it to the sky). Here we go…

へい へい ぷ~
Hei hei Pu

なんだか出そう もうすぐ出そう
nandaka dasou mou sugu dasou
It seems to be coming out. Soon it will come out.

ドレミファプププ わ~
Do re mi fa pu pu pu Waa

元気なおなら かわいいおなら
genki na onara kawaii onara
Genki (spirited) fart. Cute fart.

kondo wa donna no darun darou
Next time what kind will come out?

そ~れみんなで さあいくぞ
so~ re minna de saa ikuzo
Everyone together… Here we go…

へい へい ぷ~ 出たぁ
Hei hei PU. It came out!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


「好かった!」 いまの感じる。

It feels like yesterday once more, when I was so obsessed with a subject that I'd just let my creativity juices flow. Dejavu, I used to rattle on about j-doramas in the not too distant past. Perhaps it is this new-found passion in Nodame that prodded me along when I was about to get lost in the world of grown-ups. Or perhaps it is just me shying away, not wanting to conform to growing up. Just listening to the inner child, can we not grow up?

So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue
We let them come true
Forever young, i want to be forever young
- lyrics from "Forever Young" by Alphaville

のだめが一番大好き!良いなのこと 、本当にありがとう。

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Real Noda Megumi

Nodame Cantabile manga character exists in real life

The cover of the first volume of the "Nodame Cantabile" manga series. (Kodansha)
Megumi Noda, the star character of the manga series "Nodame Cantabile," which was a popular feature in the woman's comic magazine "Kiss," and became a hit as a Fuji TV drama, exists in real life, it has emerged.

"Nodame Cantabile" tells the story of a meeting between Shinichi Chiaki, an elite student of Momogaoka Music Academy whose father was a famous pianist, and Megumi Noda, a hopeless piano student going by the nickname "Nodame," who lives in a messy apartment.

After drinking too much Chiaki ends up staying at Nodame's place. As he wakes up to the sound of a beautiful piano melody, he sees Nodame heading toward the piano in her messy room. Chiaki instructs Nodame, who hates piano practice, and as he tries to draw out her talent, he learns about the real fun and difficulty of music, and realizes his own dream of wanting to become a conductor.

The 16-volume original manga series by Tomoko Ninomiya was a major success, selling 15 million copies, and the drama which has screened up until the ninth volume achieved an impressive viewer rating of 19.9 percent during a Nov. 13 screening, according to ratings firm Video Research.

The idea for Nodame, who is regarded as a strange person because she continues to live in a messy room and often makes strange noises, was conceived in 2001. A female fan posted a photograph of a piano being played in a messy room on the bulletin board of a Web site operated by Ninomiya, saying, "Look at this interesting photo I took." The woman was a music college student named Megumi Noda.

At the time, Ninomiya, who was looking for ideas for a new serial publication, gained inspiration from the photograph, and decided to produce a musical comedy with a sloppy main character. Editors at Kodansha, the publisher of the magazine "Kiss," gave the work the thumbs-up, saying the gap between classical music and a hopeless girl was interesting. This led to the serialization of "Nodame Cantabile."

Ninomiya reportedly continues to phone Noda, who has since graduated from the music college and is teaching piano in Fukuoka, to get ideas for the manga series. Nodame's episode in the manga of creating a song called "Mojamoja Taiso," for example, came after Noda played a piece through the telephone to create an image for the song.

At the end of each comic book, the phrase, "Special Thanks Megumi Noda" always appears.

December 14, 2006
Source: Mainichi Shimbun, via

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nodame and I

The story with me and animes (or Nodame would be more appropriate in this context) came thus far... It all started with Maid Sama which I'm still watching intently to date. Then over the past weeks while waiting for new episodes of Maid Sama, my inquisitive fingers happily clicked on and landed myself in the Weirdo Forest of Noda Megumi, the lead actress in Nodame Cantabile のだめカンタービレ. In the past, I've heard bits and pieces about how good this title is - there was a Japanese drama, Japanese anime, Korean Nodame-inspired drama aka Beethoven Virus and even movies that spun off with the success of its manga (comic) - but I'm a retarded adopter who has gotten to watching it only now. Probably eons behind but I'm glad I started afterall.

Watching Nodame too, has once again rekindled my interest in the Piano and Japanese Language. I'm now in a state of mega Noda-craze, so much so that I think I'm fast becoming an Otaku girl. Gyabooo! I listen to its online soundtrack at work; return home looking forward to watching more episodes; can't wait to get my hands on the original soundtrack CD; scour for more information on the subject itself and so on... which is how this site eventually came about - I have a main site at and this is a branch out for fear that my obsessive compulsion does not ring with readers in that domain. So if you're a Nodame fan alike, join me in my Nodame journey here!